Monday, December 20, 2010

Needing some Practical Life...

Well, I've spent the day redoing the Practical Life area (pictures posted below).  My class does not return for three weeks, but the ideas were knocking on my brain endlessly the past four days, and I gave in. I was so excited to brighten up the area and cannot wait to see what works are a hit with the kids.  Here are a few shots (taken with my phone, so not the best) of my winter inspired Practical Life shelves.  

Cabinet One: (left to right, top to bottom)
*all on beautiful silver trays- all materials provided by my head teacher- amazing!
Shelf one: whole hand transfer of white pompoms- pitcher pouring small clearish white beads with snowflake sequins- funnel transfer of white sand 
Shelf two: scooping transfer of white rocks- spooning transfer of white sand with sequins- strawberry huller transfer of  blue plastic stars into ten sections on a painters tray
Shelf three: tong transfer of four types of nuts (three of each) into four different bowls- tweezer transfer with two sizes of strawberries into two containers

Cabinet Two: 
Shelf one: whole hand sponge transfer of water- whole hand glass pouring of water- pitcher transfer of  colored water
Shelf two: sifting transfer with water and gems- eye dropped transfer of colored water into a painters tray- baster transfer of colored water
Shelf three: small object washing  (penguin)- chair washing (a new introduction this year)

Cabinet Three: 
Shelf one: open/ close containers with sparkle pompoms to find in each- nuts and bolts- key and lock (three sizes)
Shelf two: apple lacing- bead stringing- picture lacing
Shelf three: cake creating (a favorite of my head teacher) buttoning and zipping vests- shoe lacing

My practicum year has put me in the position of Assistant Teacher/Intern, which allows me to develop works, give lessons, direct circle and give my two cents on different classroom issues.  I work under a head teacher who has given me ample freedom, though I have been hesitant to grab on fully.  I am a thinker (one personality trait I "blame" on Montessori) and so I tend to observe, weigh and consider all options before jumping in.  I am hoping this blog will help me reflect on my processes and gain new ideas to help in my learning process

***BTW- after these two posts I have so much respect for my favorite Montessori blog "My Montessori Journey" and am grateful for all of her time spent sharing ideas- thank you Laura!

My story...

I write from a developing perspective.  My previous schooling history has blessed me with a deeper understanding of the Montessori Philosophy, but being 22, I only have a few years of teaching under my belt.  I do have a B.A. in Child development and my Montessori training, which helps to back up my actions, but teaching is an continuous a learning process more than anything, so I am constantly acquiring new knowledge to enhance the small amount I already know.  

I am so excited to document my learning process, from what works are successful, to the inner struggle of taking what I have learned in the classroom, what my natural instincts tell me and the reality of the classroom.  I feel many do not know what Montessori is really all about, and maybe through my searching, you can find out too.  Enjoy my journey, as it is yours too, and stick with me to get ideas, suggest ideas and share our love for allowing children to learn independently, responsibly and creatively.